Technical proposal > New energy integrated intelligent lock control system
  • 千库网_海西石油基地遗址风光摄影图_摄影图编号143067(1).jpg

New energy integrated intelligent lock control system

System introduction :

The new energy integrated intelligent lock control system is composed of six subsystems : intelligent lock control , maintenance and isolation , intelligent pressure plate , online monitoring of grounding line , safety equipment management , entry door and valve lock device ; In view of the current situation of industry security management and the new needs brought about by the construction and development of new power systems , the innovative model of " dynamic encryption , dynamic authorization , dynamic networking and logical management " is adopted to improve the essential security of critical infrastructure , ensure the behavioral safety of personnel and network data security . Improve the overall perception and ubiquitous interconnection capabilities of enterprise infrastructure , and build an energy " digital security " zero - trust dynamic security management system that is " intrinsical security , comprehensive perception , front - line oriented , manageable ".


Application effect :

1.New mode of three - level dynamic authorization control : new energy integrated intelligent lock and control system adopts three - level dynamic authorization management mode , centralized control center sub - station layer - end sub - station layer - implementation device layer , to achieve effective control of operation steps and personnel behavior , comprehensively reduce operational risks , improve operational efficiency , and promote the new energy industry " unattended , few people on duty , centralized monitoring , regional operation and maintenance " The development of the operation model .

2. The essential safety of the equipment is improved : the passive and non - porous dynamic intelligent lock is adopted to replace the traditional mechanical lock on site , strengthen the physical isolation and protection of the equipment , and realize the managability of the lock on site .

3. Maintenance isolation lock : Through the isolation work order of the ERP system , the isolation lock of the maintenance equipment can be universal . It can meet the requirements of 20 team maintenance isolation points at the same time , and send back the lock status and sealing status in real time . After the maintenance task , each team can unlock the lock according to their own working conditions until the last one can be unlocked to ensure the safety of maintenance operations .

Typical projects :

Jiangsu Zhenjiang Wufengshan Energy storage power Station project 

Guohua Guangxi Liulinchong wind farm intelligent safety prevention and control system construction project 

Huadian Zhouning Pumped storage Power Station integrated intelligent lock and control system construction project 

Sdic Inner Mongolia Power Branch five defense system project 

Inner Mongolia Huide Wind Power plant booster station electrical equipment integrated intelligent anti - error system project 

Research and application project of new comprehensive intelligent error prevention technology in Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station , Xinjiang 

Intelligent lock control system construction project of Three Gorges Zhanjiang Wailuo Offshore Wind Power plant