The State Grid held the 2018 Production Safety Conference, and the dynamic safety control system escorted the production safety
分类:Industry News 发布时间:2018-01-04 13:11:00 作者: 来源:
Highlight the position of production safety as the foundation, strengthen the awareness of safety red line, tighten safety responsibilities, continue to promote essential safety construction, ensure the safe operation of the power grid, ensure the safe development of the company, and better serve the people's better life and the construction of a modern socialist country. Company chairman, Party group secretary Shu YinBiao attended the meeting and speech. Company general manager, deputy Party secretary Kou Wei presided over the meeting. Xin Baoan, deputy secretary of the Party Group and deputy general manager of the company, Luo Ganyi, chief accountant and member of the Party group, Wang Min and Yang Jinbai, deputy general managers Han Jun, Liu Zehong and Zhang Zhigang attended the meeting. Zhang Zhigang read the 2018 Work safety Guidelines of the State Grid Corporation at the meeting.

Abstract: On January 3, 2018, the State Grid Corporation held a teleconference on work safety to implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Promoting the Reform and Development in the field of Work Safety. Company chairman, Party group secretary Shu YinBiao attended the meeting and speech. Company general manager, deputy Party secretary Kou Wei presided over the meeting. Zhang Zhigang read the 2018 Work safety Guidelines of the State Grid Corporation at the meeting. The dynamic security control system reduces the hidden danger of power safety and improves the management level of power supply and electricity.

Highlight the position of production safety as the foundation, strengthen the awareness of safety red line, tighten safety responsibilities, continue to promote essential safety construction, ensure the safe operation of the power grid, ensure the safe development of the company, and better serve the people's better life and the construction of a modern socialist country. Company chairman, Party group secretary Shu YinBiao attended the meeting and speech. Company general manager, deputy Party secretary Kou Wei presided over the meeting. Xin Baoan, deputy secretary of the Party Group and deputy general manager of the company, Luo Ganyi, chief accountant and member of the Party group, Wang Min and Yang Jinbai, deputy general managers Han Jun, Liu Zehong and Zhang Zhigang attended the meeting. Zhang Zhigang read the 2018 Work safety Guidelines of the State Grid Corporation at the meeting.



State grid corporation as the relationship between the large-sized state-owned backbone enterprise of national economy and people's livelihood and national energy security, do a good job in security work is implementing the nineteenth spirit, all policy decisions of the State Council and the central party committee, the inevitable requirement of practice "six power", is to fulfill people's electric utility for the purpose of the people, the embodiment of satisfying the needs of the people's good life, It is a political, economic and social responsibility that must be firmly shouldered. At present, State Grid Corporation is building a new era and serving a new era with great passion. It strives to be a pioneer and a model in promoting the revolution of energy production and consumption and building a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness. It also embodies its new responsibilities and achieves new achievements in the new great journey. To achieve this goal, ensuring safety is the most important prerequisite and foundation. The company should have a deep understanding of the extreme importance of safety work in the new era, put safety work in the first place in all kinds of work, with a strict and realistic style, nail spirit, practical grasp, grasp the results.

Shuyinbiao stressed that the Party group of the company attaches great importance to safety work, in 2017, the company better completed the annual safety production task, to ensure the safe operation of the large power grid. At present, the national grid of the profound changes in form, function and internal and external environment, the company in the power grid, personal, equipment, secondary system and network security situation is still grim, to stay awake to the current security situation awareness, always adhere to the principle of safety first, prevention first, comprehensive administration, strong base, grasp key, fill, To solve security problems through reform, development, management and innovation, and take targeted measures to prevent and defuse various risks, so as to promote the company's safety work to a new level.

Shu called 2018 the first year for implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a key year for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan.  Stick to the safety red line and bottom line, put an end to large areas of power outage accidents, put an end to personal death accidents, put an end to major equipment accidents, prevent major network security incidents, ensure a good situation of safe production, and provide strong security guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of the company. To resolutely implement the central deployment and requirements, vigorously promotes the safe production responsibility system implementation, focus on building, intrinsically safe power grid to ensure electric network safe and reliable power supply, ensure the safety and occupational health work to ensure the security of network information communication, improving security risk control and emergency disposal ability, perseverance pays special attention to the safety production infrastructure, Do a good job in the current work safety, ensure the safety of the power grid winter, do a good job of clean heating and power supply guarantee and Spring Festival power protection work.

Kou Wei request, each department, each unit should deeply understand ShuyinBiao chairman speech spirit, the organization of the conference spirit to convey learning, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of distress, overall planning arrangements for the whole year safety production work, do a good job to implement the implementation. Company safety committee members in the headquarters of the main venue to attend. Members of safety committees of all branches of the company, power companies of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), power supply companies of prefectures (cities), production units directly under the provincial company, county companies and safety committees of relevant units directly under the company will attend the meeting.

The intelligent dynamic security management and control system of power grid refers to the intelligent lock security management system integrating the Internet of things, big data, information security, power electronics and other technologies, combined with the power work ticket management system. Through the authorized operation of intelligent lock, the operation and status of substation, opening and closing station, distribution station room, ring network cabinet, metering cabinet, electricity meter box and other cabinet doors and related power equipment switches can be effectively controlled and controlled in real time, so as to reduce power safety risks and improve safety management level.


The system consists of five parts: big data center, background management master station, intelligent handheld terminal, intelligent key and intelligent lock. The big data center stores and analyzes data, forms management reports and puts forward management suggestions; Background management master station to achieve the registration and management of intelligent locks, intelligent keys and operators, dynamic password authorization of work orders, real-name authentication, etc.; Using the data network of smart handheld terminal for data transmission, without the need to establish an independent network channel, real name authentication through the mobile phone number; With the help of the operator's movement to achieve full terrain full network coverage, dead corners can also be used; Intelligent lock adopts passive design, higher product reliability, wireless charging and wireless communication, higher level of security protection; The transmitted data adopts national secret encryption algorithm to ensure data security.


The system can control the hidden danger of power safety and improve the management level of power supply and electricity.


The main parameters of the intelligent dynamic security control system of the power grid include the response time of the system, the repetition rate of the login password, the wireless communication distance of the intelligent lock, the working temperature range, the dustproof and waterproof level, the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility, materials and related dimensions, etc. This system uses 6 digit dynamic random login password to reduce the repetition and improve the security. Meet the wireless communication distance requirements of various installation occasions; The working temperature range and dustproof and waterproof treatment of the intelligent lock can fully meet the use of the northern and southern areas, and the high electromagnetic field standard design can meet the use in the electric power environment.


At present, the control of substation, opening and closing station, distribution station room, ring network cabinet, metering cabinet, electricity meter box and various switch switches basically adopts ordinary mechanical lock or five-proof mechanical lock, with low protection level and poor security, and no effective management has been formed. With the country's investment in strong power grid and attention to safety, products and systems to meet the new environment becomes particularly important, and the promotion of the system is of great significance.


In recent years, the intelligent lock management system with background management has gradually appeared in electric power. It basically adopts the one-spoonpass mode to realize background data recording, but it cannot carry out real-name authentication and authorization operation, and cannot realize effective control. With the rapid development of the Internet of Things and the Internet, the mode of switch and lock operation using mobile phone APP has also emerged rapidly, which is basically used in the civil market, and the mode is relatively single, and no unified systematic management has been formed. The smart lock also needs to be powered, which is very different from Wasu's dynamic security control system.


The system has been tried out in many provinces and cities across the country, and is applied to metering and selling electricity, distribution network, substation and other links, and has been well recognized by customers.


The system can serialize the products and apply them to various occasions.

(1) Marketing: The intelligent dynamic security control system of power grid can be used for the security information management of metering equipment, including meter boxes and metering cabinets.

(2) Distribution network: The system can be used for safety and misoperation management, equipment safety management and information management of distribution network. Including the ring network cabinet, branch box, distribution station room, open and close, box transformer and so on.

(3) Power transformation and generation: access control management and anti-misoperation management can use the system to ensure the control of on-site access personnel and safe operation. Access lock and anti-mistake lock can be used.