What if communication equipment is stolen? Dynamic security control system is the solution
分类:Industry News 发布时间:2017-12-16 13:27:00 作者: 来源:
On Dec 15, 2017, the police branch of Saihan District of Hohhot Public Security Bureau successfully cracked the theft of communication equipment.

Abstract: With the rise of mobile Internet, people's life is increasingly inseparable from mobile communication signals. In 2017, more than 200 pieces of communication equipment were stolen in Hohhot, resulting in a direct loss of more than 2 million yuan, resulting in the interruption of mobile phone signals for more than 300,000 mobile phone users, causing a serious impact on people's lives. Dynamic security control system to solve the pain point of communication theft.

On Dec 15, 2017, the police branch of Saihan District of Hohhot Public Security Bureau successfully cracked the theft of communication equipment.


In August 2017, a communications company in Hohhot city to Hohhot Public Security Bureau Saihan District police fifth squadron reported that a community stolen more than 60 sets of communication equipment, a total loss of 900,000 yuan. At the same time, Hohhot other residential communication equipment have been stolen, a total of more than 200 sets, a direct loss of more than 2 million yuan. More importantly, the theft of communication equipment has caused the interruption of mobile phone signals for more than 300,000 mobile phone users in Hohhot, causing a serious impact on people's lives.


After receiving the police, Sai Han district police five squadron immediately began to investigate. After nearly a month of investigation and interview analysis, the suspect Xu, Duan was finally captured.

After assault trial, two people confessed the secret name of cao in multiple plot theft criminal facts of communication equipments and switches, the two of them in just a month of time has been stealing Hohhot, 10 more than 150 sets of communications equipment and switches, and theft of the switch sent to Beijing, the communication equipment has been far below the market price sell Dong Mou, The gang has made profits of more than 100,000 yuan, but to the communication company brought about a loss of nearly 2 million yuan.


Dynamic security control system to solve the pain point of communication theft.

Core Technology:

Charging and data interaction will be completed within 3 seconds

Dynamic password authorization, mobile phone real name management

Application of wireless carrier power supply and communication technology

Passive design concept, reduce environmental pollution

Record and monitor in real time to realize inspection and positioning

Non - contact design, improve anti - destructive

Unique address information, switch lock traceable