Jiangxi Province began to submit the electricity sales side reform pilot project
分类:Industry News 发布时间:2017-01-20 10:07:00 作者: 来源:

It was learned that Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Energy Bureau recently began to carry out the work of the pilot project on the reform of the electricity selling side. The pilot project focuses on the opening of the electricity selling business to social capital, the opening of the incremental distribution network business, and the opening of the comprehensive energy management market. Pilot projects submitted by February 10, but not included in the pilot regions (or projects), as long as in line with the national and provincial power system reform policies, will be equally supported.

The full text is as follows:

Notice of Jiangxi Provincial Energy Bureau of Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission on the Implementation of the Pilot Project of electricity Selling Side Reform

Ganfa Reform electricity [2017] No. 13

Development and Reform Commission and Energy Administration of each district-level city and pilot county (city) under direct provincial administration:

For the further implementation of "the central committee of the communist party of China, the State Council on further deepening the reform of electric power system of several opinions (found [2015] 9), according to the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration approval of the jiangxi province to carry out the pilot program of reform of electricity sales (send to do the body [2016] no. 2336) deployment, in order to speed up cultivating diversified sell electricity main body, Promote the fair competition of electric power competitive business, further play the supporting role of electric power to the economic and social development of the province, planned to carry out the reform of electricity distribution pilot in the province. The relevant matters of pilot declaration are hereby notified as follows:

I. Scope of declaration

It is planned to select a group of regions in line with industrial policies, meet the standards of energy consumption and environmental protection, expect to increase large amount of electricity and have high local enthusiasm in the whole province, focusing on the opening of electricity sales business to social capital, opening up the incremental distribution network business, opening up the comprehensive energy management market, etc., to carry out the market-oriented reform pilot of electricity distribution side.

2. Type of declaration

(1) Pilot reform of integrated electricity distribution. We will support qualified large industrial and mining enterprises, industrial parks (economic development zones) and other enterprises in setting up power distribution companies with existing power grid assets, and carry out pilot reforms to integrate power distribution and distribution. Encourage the participation of power selling companies and electric energy service companies, explore the establishment of a market-oriented mechanism for power demand side response, and provide value-added services such as load management for power users in the region, energy contract management, comprehensive energy conservation and energy consumption consultation. The existing distribution assets other than the assets of State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company shall be regarded as increment, and the distribution area shall be divided according to the actual coverage area.

2. Pilot reform of incremental power distribution services The investors of the industrial parks (including the expansion of the old park), industrial bases and other incremental distribution networks built (in operation) and planned within the jurisdiction shall be selected by competitive means. All localities may carry out pilot reforms of incremental power distribution services mainly through industrial parks and bases. In principle, the incremental distribution network refers to the power grid of 110 kV and below voltage level and the local power grid of industrial parks (economic development zones) of 220 kV and below voltage level, and does not involve the construction of transmission network of 220 kV and above.

The construction of the incremental distribution network shall conform to the provincial power network planning. The distribution network involved in the pilot area (or project) shall be connected to the public power grid. In addition to encouraging the development of local area network and micro-grid for the purpose of nearby consumption of renewable energy and promoting the cascade utilization of resources, power generation enterprises and their capital shall not participate in the construction of special lines for direct power supply to users from power plants. It is not allowed to participate in the investment in the construction of special lines connecting power plants with the incremental distribution networks in which they are invested.

3. Pilot reform of comprehensive energy management Pilot support combined with regional industry planning and comprehensive utility tunnel construction, through the bidding or franchise mode, such as the choice of construction and operation of the investment main body, the open zone comprehensive energy management market, vigorously develop renewable energy, natural gas cogeneration, cold hot electricity trigeneration distributed energy sources, such as electricity, heat, cold, water, steam and other energy resources integrated service system.

Please carefully select areas suitable for the pilot according to the above requirements and local conditions, and submit them to the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and copy them to the Provincial Energy Bureau before February 10, 2017. The basic information of the pilot areas, conditions, targets and tasks of the pilot shall be attached. In the near future, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Energy Bureau will combine with the unified deployment of the provincial electric power system reform, focus on promoting the above pilot areas to carry out the related pilot of the reform of the electricity sales side, and play the demonstration and leading role of the pilot. Regions (or projects) that are not included in the pilot program will be supported without discrimination as long as they are in line with the national and provincial power system reform policies.

Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission

Energy Administration of Jiangxi Province

January 12, 2017